Friday, 19 November 2010

pinter process and evaluation

The Harold Pinter project was my first project since "attempts on her life" by martin crimp and  There was a massive difference between the two . Harold Pinter project really outclassed attempts on her life . in a professional sense. i found new techniques , learnt new skills and improved on the skills i was struggling with in the last project.

Rehearsal process :

After missing the first 2 weeks i  knew i would be behind and knew i would be thrown in at the deep end . My Harold Pinter piece was "dumb-Waiter" and i was working with Laurence . that day we ran over the script just to get used to the lines, staging and experimenting with the lines. Laurence then wasn't in for a few days and so nick cut him from my piece and i was put with Aj who was already with Georgina doing another piece. i was disappointed that Laurence was cut because we work well together however i knew that me and Aj would struggle as we haven't really worked together and so i was anxious but i was still determined to get a good grade and perform Pinter to the best of my ability.

it was very hard for Aj being in two groups and  although i did rehearse with him,  he most of the time was focused on his other piece as he had been working on it for longer . we ran through a couple of times and the concentration and passion wasn't there  throughout the weeks. we performed in front of nick and Micheal and the comments were "below par" and so i told Aj " that we had to up are game otherwise are grades are in jeopardy" . we were also told to go back to the script as we were missing the timing of the pauses, the timing of movements and so it was back to the chalkboard.  after the weekend me and Aj then began to realise what we missed out ....we missed out a hell of a lot. things such as certain looks and movements that were key to making the piece stylish and funny however Aj's concentration still wasn't 100% and i still found it very hard to work with him so i confronted nick about it and we spoke to him and i said you need to prove this to nick which triggered off Aj into 100% concentration and willingness to work whenever to get this piece into good shape . we got gerogina involved in directing are piece which helped me out a lot as we both  drummed it into Aj that  with 2 days left we have to up the game. we started by setting it out with the use of the bed , the table and chairs and used props such as the newspaper for Aj . once we had all the props neccesery we then need to keep on running it over and over , making the piece slick and stylish . As you can tell style was very important as after studying harold pinter and his works , the completion of his works ( ideas and thoughts of style within my piece ) were very important as in my eyes it wouldn't of  been able to be known as "work of harold pinter" so was Performance time.

 Me and Aj arranged to be in college a few hours early to rehearse are piece as much as we could before the performance ,just the wrinkle out all the creases are performance had. in the dress run me and Aj slipped up a few times , which made me more anxiouse about getting the grades and putting on a good show. luckily me and Aj were both given more confidence than defeat after are dress run which made gave us the belief in ourselves that we could pull this off.

the performance went really well. me and Aj were ecstatic as we dealt with the piece proffesionaly and pulled a very hard piece of pinter off. we got alot of laughs from the audience and as a class we were the first group in 4 year to pull of Harold Pinters pieces according to teachers, and me and Aj new we had something to do with that! as for Aj i shook his hand and said fair play proved me and nick wrong .

The Dumb Waiter - Harold Pinter Part2

The Dumb Waiter - Harold Pinter Part1